So, you have expensive taste…but your home building budget just won’t allow it? It IS still possible to build an amazing house on a shoestring budget!
First, don’t put things in your house that won’t really be seen. A good example of this is putting high-end light fixtures inside of a closet. Also, putting crown moulding throughout the house is probably not the best way to save money if you’re trying to cut back. It would be better to put crown moulding in the areas that guests see, like the main living area, kitchen, and dining room.
Which brings me to my next point. If you’re really trying to save money, try holding back on “extras” that can be added later. A good home builder will help steer you in the right direction to enable you to maximize your wish list while helping to keep you within your budget. There may be some extras on your wish list that could (and should) be added during the construction process by “working” the budget to get these items without a major increase in the overall cost, but you may end up having to leave off some of the extras that you can add at a later date. As long as you have a good skeleton for your house, you can always add crown, custom cabinets, or top of the line appliances when you have the finances to upgrade. A good builder will help guide the homeowner through this process by prioritizing your wish list in connection with your budget. This requires honest and open communication between you and your builder, but in the long run this open dialog helps the builder better understand their clients’ wants and needs but it also gives them the ability to help control the bottom line and get you into your dream home at or below budget.
One last thing: Even though you’re on a budget, don’t skimp on the long-term quality of your house. Aspects that people don’t “see” but you will “feel” in years to come: Like good insulation and an efficient air-conditioner and furnace. Trust me, you’ll “feel” it every month when your utility bill comes and you’ll be glad you made the right choice upfront.
So, just because you have good taste doesn’t mean that it has to pop your bubble of building a beautiful dream home.